Tesis Connect is a Tesis suite module specifically
for the integration with external applications.

How it works
Tesis Connect makes available an alternative and complementary integration mode.
The first mode consists of an intermediate database made up of several tables with the main data to be integrated, such as: the list of customers, their company locations and departments, the software and hardware assets they possess, users or contacts, open and closed orders, products that have been sold, etc. For this mode, Tesis contains the database reading and asynchronous messaging features that return information to the sender whether the data has been correctly read and captured. Therefore, all that remains is the initial task of identifying the data in the company that must be read and sent to Tesis. Through the same asynchronous mode, Tesis is able to return information on processed and possibly invoiced tickets from external suppliers. Data return features are immediately available and activated upon launching Tesis Connect, leaving only the reading task for acquisition in other company systems.
The second mode is a web service library that allows synchronous integration with the Tesis database. Through the installation of Tesis Connect, web services are made available to external applications to be used, e.g. for inputting new tickets or acquiring other information from Tesis.
Tesis Connect operates silently behind the applications that interface with the operator, ensuring that the visible data is perfectly in sync and consistent with the company’s data.
Through its features, Tesis Connect allows the integration of existing data in the company, speeding up the application start-up process by reducing or eliminating the operational burden for the initial load of data.
Furthermore, the automatic feeding enables constant updating of changing company data, reducing or eliminating the risk of asynchrony and ensuring that the operator using Tesis always views the data properly aligned with company changes.
The seamless integration and constant updating ensure the data’s uniformity and its consistency at company level. Premises, users and assets are similarly named throughout the company an Tesisintegrates service information without the risk of using different codes or references. Economic and management data are seamlessly integrated.
The SSO (single sign on) provided by Ldap and Active Directory integration ensures that the operator therefore does not have to manage a different account to access Tesis,but can use the same company credentials in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Two different integration modes
Tesis Connect runs in the background of applications that interface with the operator, ensuring that the visible data is perfectly aligned and consistent with the company’s data.
Specific Tesis Connect features
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