TESIS Customer Portal is the TESIS module that connects the customer to the Service Desk
and allows them to open and manage their requests for assistance
Through a streamlined interface, the customer can create new requests for assistance by opening new tickets, see their actual registration status and to be able to monitor their status and processing until completion
How it works
TESIS Customer Portal is the TESIS module that allows customers to open and manage their service tickets, thus making it quick and efficient to communicate with operators and technicians. The customer can enter new requests through a streamlined, process-driven interface that can be configured to best meet their needs, see their actual registration status and to be able to monitor their progress and processing until their completion.
After having completed the registration of their tickets, customers will also have the advantage to interact with the help desk operators, throughout the process leading to the solution of their problem. This is done without having to wait for operators’ availability by phone. Without installing anything, but simply logging into a specific company account, the customer will be able to access an extremely quick panel that will allows them to be both efficient and autonomous in the registration of their new requests for assistance. Customised login credentials will allow the interface to recognise the customer and show what has been configured for the customer.
Login can be configured on TESIS Customer Portal for different types of customers, who will have the advantage to see only the information strictly related to their profile. Thus, profiles can be configured on the TESIS Customer Portal with different management responsibilities and views, to provide the customer with an extremely efficient and effective interface with the Service Desk for managing business tickets.
Service Desk operators can view requests for assistance entered automatically. The query-opening process, organised through questions and prompts posed to the user, will ensure that the data contained in the ticket are complete enough to determine the problem and the consequent maintenance priority.
Several management stages recorded by the Service Desk operators will be immediately visible to the customers who entered the request.

Tesis Customer Portal Features
Reduced registration time
The TESIS Customer Portal interface is immediately available, easy and fast to run. Registration time is therefore reduced to a bare minimum. It is not expected that the Service Desk waiting queues and availability issues will exist
24-hour coverage for the registration of new requests
There are no time limits on the TESIS Customer Portal and it can be available to users 24 hours a day, even if the Service Desk follows different schedules or time zones. Thus this offers maximum flexibility to the customer when creating a ticket.
Reduced Service Desk workloads
Service Desk operators will no longer have to spend time opening tickets, as they can instead invest their time in solving problems.
Reducing Service Desk Stress
Since service desk operators do not have to continuously answer the phone to handle users’ urgent requests, they will feel less stress and thus enjoy higher concentration levels; consequently they can better deal with priorities in service requests.
Registration consistency
By guiding the customer through the registration process, an information system such as the TESIS Customer Portal not only makes the assistance request more accurate and complete in terms of data, but also allows the data structure to be standardised for the benefit of correct reading when managing or subsequently analysing the data therein.